Tuesday, July 3, 2012

coffee health benefits

Over the past few decades,coffee has been linked to an array of possible health risk, ranging from stroke and miscarriage to high cholesterol and even cancer-- particularly since it contains caffeine, a potent, potentially habit forming stimulant.but now the news is good and perky-significant authoritative scientific information is already available to support coffee's positive effect on one health and well-being.

Two cups of coffee is all it takes to overcome fatigue and feel alert again. the resulting increase in alertness may be especially beneficial in certain situations (e.g when working at night or for prolonged periods; also when we are deprived of sleep or are jet-lagged). Drinking coffee also improves our performance when our level of alertness is low (e.g. when we need to remain alert or undertake repetitive jobs).

The latest scientific evidence indicates that about 200mg of caffeine, the amount typically found in 2 cups of coffee, will not only increase your level of alertness but also help your short term memory. For exam season or those important meetings and interviews, coffee drinkers everywhere will be delighted to know that it helps to give them energy to study and concentrate. drinking coffee will also help us memorize all those little details that may give us an advantages at such critical times, as coffee can also help boost short-term memory.

FOR EXERCISE PERFORMANCE. Exercise plays a significant part in all our lives whether we are playing occasional games with the kids, using exercise to help fight the battle of the bulge, or, if we are elite athletes, hoping to emulate the performances of the medal winners at the Olympics. So rejoice that there are findings that states caffeine, at levels found in one cup of coffee, can both reduce the sensation of fatigue as well as enhance exercise performance.

FOR SOCIAL PLEASURE. Coffee raises mood, improves our concentration and may even promote the well-being of the immune  system, thus enhancing our ability to cope not only with life but to enjoy it.

FOR SAFER DRIVING.  All of us are very vulnerable to sleepiness if we have had too little or poor quality of sleep. tiredness can easily affect our driving skills and judgements, and if that happens in a built-up area, it can be particularly dangerous. singing or listening to music to keep alert and counteract tiredness is only a short-term benefit and may be a distraction for drivers from being so aware of their sleepiness and poor driving. Similarly the benefits of cold air on the face, is also a myth. At this point the safe thing to do is to stop driving as soon as possible, take a break for at least 30 minutes, drink one or two cups of caffeinated coffee and take at least  a 15-minutes nap. this is the most effective combination and can increase alertness for several hours but it can takes an average 20-30 minute to take effect.

FOR DIABETICS.Over the past twenty  years there has been a worldwide epidemic rise in the incidence of this disease. the growing of body published research suggest that, alongside other lifestyle measure such as weight control and exercise, regular coffee drinking
may also have a protective effect against developing type 2 diabetes, the most common form of this disease.
AS ANTIOXIDANT. Antioxidant may be of great benefit in improving the quality of life by preventing or postponing the onset of degenerative disease. protection against free radicals can be enhanced by ample intakes of dietary antioxidants, and this include drinking coffee.

PARKINSON'S DISEASE. Parkinson's disease is one of the most well known of all neurological disorders. there is growing evidence from animal and human studies that not only can caffeine help relieve the symptoms associated with this disease, but can also have a protective effect on nerve cells. It would appear from many of these studies that coffee consumption also reduces or delays the development of the disease, with caffeine being the most likely factor.

LIVER FUNCTION. There is increasing scientific evidence to show that coffee may also help provide significant protection in many ways against the development of liver disease.
So there, consuming up to four or five cups of coffee a day will do no harm. It will even boost mood, alertness, and physical performance; and yes, it may even help prevent certain disease, liver, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, parkinson's disease, and asthma, heavy coffee drinkers, pregnant women, and possibly people with heartburn, breast lumps, or anxiety disorders may nevertheless also benefit provided, of course, they cut back on the brew.

Care for a cup now?

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